RxPartnership recognizes Clinic pharmacy

December 12, 2017

The Northern Neck – Middlesex Free Health Clinic (NNMFHC) was recently recognized for its role in dispensing approximately $9,505,049 in free prescription medication for low-income, uninsured patients through participation with the statewide nonprofit Rx Partnership (RxP).

For more than twelve years, RxP, a nonprofit public/private partnership, has led the effort to increase access to free prescription medications for Virginia’s eligible uninsured through free clinic partners throughout the state.

“Changes in health care and prescription medication availability are hard to keep up with in today’s environment,” said Michelle Taylor, Rx Partnership’s Director of Affiliate Services. “The dedication and determination of the pharmacy staff at Virginia’s free clinics brings medication within reach to the most vulnerable in Virginia. If it were not for these individuals who put together pieces of an ever-changing puzzle every day, Rx Partnership would not be as successful as it is.”

The NNMFHC began participating as an RxP Affiliate in 2004.

“To keep our Pharmacy open these relationships are crucial, and these medications save lives,” said NNMFHC Executive Director Jean Nelson, who has chaired the RxP Affiliate Committee for the past four years. “It is powerful and impactful to see what non-profits can do working together.”

The NNMFHC Pharmacy has dispensed 60,052 RxP medications since 2004. Through RxP, patients have access to free prescription medications that treat a variety of chronic conditions, and the prescriptions can also be filled immediately, avoiding the 2-4 week wait that is common to individual Patient Assistance Programs.
The NNMFHC received its certificate of recognition at the Rx Partnership 12th annual Affiliate Roundtable on October 18 at the offices of the Medical Society of Virginia in Richmond. The Roundtable training brings together representatives from free clinics across the state to network with colleagues, trade best practices, and learn about pharmacy regulations and updates in order to best serve patients.

From left are NNMFHC Pharmacist Britney Dedmond, Pharmacy Technician Jenny Martin, Pharmacy Coordinator Angie Rich, RxP Director Michelle Taylor, and NNMFHC Executive Director Jeannie Nelson.