To our patients about COVID-19

April 23, 2020
The Northern Neck – Middlesex Free Health Clinic remains open to provide access to essential healthcare during this time. The health and safety of our patients, staff, and community is our priority. To help prevent the spread of Covid-19 the Clinic is taking these actions:
All patients: If you have a fever, shortness of breath, or other flu-like symptoms, call us at 804-435-0575 and we will connect you with a provider by phone.
When you come to the Clinic for a scheduled appointment, your temperature will be taken, and an initial assessment given outside of the building. Only the patient may enter the building.
- Current patients whose eligibility will expire soon may have eligibility extended for 30 days.
- New patients call 804-435-0575 for information on eligibility screening.
Medical patients: Many of our appointments are being held by phone. Call 804-435-0575 to speak with a provider who will talk with you and determine if a visit to the Clinic is needed.
Pharmacy: Many 30-day prescriptions are being filled for 60 or 90 days, depending on medical provider guidance. For prescription pick-up, call 804-435-0575 to make sure your prescription is ready and for parking lot pick-up times.
Dental Clinic: The dental clinic is open for emergencies only. All routine care has been postponed and will be scheduled at a future time. If you are experiencing oral pain, call 804-435-0575. The dentist will contact you by phone to assess your condition and determine the best approach to care.