Free Health Clinic awarded CVS grant to expand pharmacy

June 15, 2017
The CVS Health Foundation in April announced more than $1 million in grants to 33 Free and Charitable Clinics as part of a multi-year grant program with the National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics (NAFC).
The Northern Neck – Middlesex Free Health Clinic (NNMFHC) in Kilmarnock is one of the award recipients. Its $35,000 grant is being used for an additional pharmacy technician to expand access to the NNMFHC Pharmacy and extend its hours, while focusing on prompt pick-up of medications prescribed to manage chronic conditions and improve health.
Over the past four years, the CVS Foundation has donated nearly $5 million to NAFC to increase access to quality care and support the management of chronic disease.
“As a pharmacy innovation company, we are committed to helping people on their path to better health in the communities where we live and work,” said Eileen Howard Boone, president of the CVS Health Foundation. “Our support for the National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics has yielded significant results over the past four years that demonstrate how increased access to quality care and innovative approaches to chronic disease management can affect the lives of the most vulnerable Americans.”
The 33 CVS Health Foundation awards this year ranged from $20,000 to $35,000. Three other clinics and one charitable pharmacy in Virginia were awarded the grants, in Arlington, Falls Church, Lynchburg, and Richmond.
“The NAFC is extremely grateful for the support our members receive from the CVS Health Foundation and their recognition of the life saving work Free and Charitable Clinics provide to the medically underserved throughout this country,” said Nicole Lamoureux, NAFC CEO. “Their unwavering commitment and investment over the years has allowed our Free and Charitable Clinics to expand health care access, coordinate health care efforts and build healthier communities.”
At the NNMFHC, pharmacy technician Jenny Martin began work March 20 to expand the hours of the NNMFHC Pharmacy, which operates on the strength of a skeletal staff and teams of volunteers. The goal is to increase the times for patients to place refill requests, pick up their medicines, and consult with a pharmacist or technician to 25 hours a week. During the first month of her employment, pharmacy hours were added to include all five workdays, and pick-up times have nearly doubled.
“We are excited to be able to make the pharmacy more accessible,” said Pharmacist Britney Dedmond. “Patients realize the Clinic runs on volunteer time and donations, and they are grateful that more hours are being made available to pick up their prescriptions.”