Clinic Pharmacy helps RxPartnership celebrate one-millionth prescription

From left with some of the video props are NNMFHC Pharmacy coordinator Angie Rich, pharmacy technician Ginger Houck, and pharmacist-in-charge Britney Dedmond, and pharmacist Beverly Thomas.
June 12, 2023

From left with some of the video props are NNMFHC Pharmacy coordinator Angie Rich, pharmacy technician Ginger Houck, and pharmacist-in-charge Britney Dedmond, and pharmacist Beverly Thomas.


When RxPartnership (RxP) wanted to recognize a milestone, the Northern Neck – Middlesex Free Health Clinic (NNMFHC) responded.

RxP is Virginia’s only organization dedicated exclusively to medication access for low-income, uninsured individuals. Working with a network of 30 free and charitable clinics across 86 Virginia localities, RxP supplies 234 medications, both brand and generic, to treat multiple chronic conditions including depression, anxiety, asthma/COPD, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

As RxP’s one-millionth prescription neared this year, a contest was announced for member clinics to produce a video celebrating their success. The NNMFHC entry featured an enthusiastic Pharmacy team dressed in different attire – most notably enormous fish heads and an outsized Covid-19 model – to congratulate RxP on the million prescriptions. Dental assistant Alan Hays did the filming, pharmacy tech Ginger Houck provided the costume designs, and staff from all Clinic departments played roles.

Posted on social media, it was one of three videos that received the most views, winning $300 and RxP recognition of the creative effort and the “out-of-this-world Northern Neck fish.”

“Health care is serious business, but it was nice to see staff take a break and have some creative fun,” said Jean Nelson, Clinic CEO. “Everyone got involved.”

“RxP has been a great partner ever since it was founded nearly twenty years ago, helping vulnerable populations continue working and lead productive lives,” said NNMFHC Pharmacist Britney Dedmond. Using a cost-effective broker model, RxP provides bulk medicines for use among the Clinic’s un- and under-insured patients. Patients using RxP medications on average have at least three chronic conditions and take five medications.

If you are challenged with obtaining prescriptions, give the Clinic a call at 804-435-0575.